- In every Rak’at after the Qira’at, the person praying must bend an amount, with the intention of Ruku’, such that the tips of the fingers of the hand can be placed on the knees – and this is action is called Ruku’. It is Wajib that while in this position of Ruku’, a Dhikr is recited.
- Whichever Dhikr recited in the Ruku’ is sufficient with the condition that it be no less than: “Subhan Allah” three times or “Subhana Rabbi Yal "Azimi wa Bihamdihi” once.
- While reciting the Dhikr in Ruku’, the body must be stationary.
- If before one has fully bowed down into the position of Ruku’ and the body has become stationary, intentionally, the Dhikr is recited, then the Salat will become void.
- If before finishing the Wajib Dhikr, one intentionally lifts one’s head up from Ruku’, the Salat will become void.
- In every Rak’at of the Wajib and Mustahab Salat, one must perform two Sajdah after the Ruku’.
- Sajdah refers to placing the forehead on the ground with the intention of performing Sajdah, while in Sajdah it is Wajib that the palms of both hands, the knees, and the tips of both the big toes are all placed on the ground. It is also Wajib that while in Sajdah, Dhikr is recited.
- Whatever Dhikr recited in Sujud is sufficient with the condition that it be no less than “Subhan Allah” three times or “Subhana Rabbi Yal A"la wa Bihamdihi” once.
- While reciting the Dhikr in Sujud, the body must be stationary.
- If before one’s forehead has reached the ground and the body has become stationary, intentionally, the Dhikr of Sajdah is recited, the, once the forehead has reached the ground and the body has become still, the Dhikr must be repeated. In this situation, according to Ihtiyat Wajib, once the Salat is finished, it must be repeated, and if one was content with the first recitation, his Salat will be void. In the event that due to forgetfulness (the Dhikr is recited before the forehead reaches the ground) then, once the body is becomes still, the Dhikr must be repeated.
- After completing the recitation of the Dhikr in the first Sajdah, the person must sit up and once the body becomes completely stationary, them one must go into Sajdah again.
- If before finishing the Dhikr, the person who is praying intentionally comes out of Sajdah, his Salat will become void.
- If while reciting the Dhikr in Sajdah, intentionally, one of the seven parts of the body is lifted off the ground, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, once all the parts of the body have become stationary, the Wajib Dhikr must be repeated.
The Salat must then be completed, and performed again. However, if one was not reciting any Dhikr and one of the seven parts, with the exception of the forehead, is lifted up and placed back on the ground, then it is no problem.
- If along with the big toe, other toes are also placed on the ground, then it is no problem.
- When in Sajdah, the person praying must place his forehead on the ground or on something that comes from the ground that is neither edible, nor wearable; like wood, or the leaf of a tree.
- It is not correct to perform Sajdah on minerals; for example: gold, silver, Aqiq and Firoza.
- Performing Sajdah on things that come from the earth which are food for animals like grass, straw or hay is allowed.
- Performing Sajdah on paper that is made from cotton or things like it, is a problem (not permissible).
- The best thing to perform Sajdah on is the Turbah (dirt) from the grave of Hadhrat Sayyid ash-Shohada al-Imam al-Husain (peace be upon him), and after this, in the following order:
• Dust
• Stone
• Greenery (plants)
- If during the first Sajdah the Turbah sticks to the forehead, and without taking it off, one goes into the second Sajdah, then the Salat will become void.
The Responsibility of One who cannot Perform Sajdah in the Normal
- Someone who is not able to make his forehead reach the ground, must bend as must as possible and then lift the Turbah up, and place it on the forehead. The palms of the hands, the knees and the big toes of the feet must be placed on the ground as usually would be done in Sajdah.
- If one is not able to bend for Sajdah, one must sit and with his head, make the indication of Sajdah, but according to Ihtiyat Wajib, the Turbah must be lifted up so that it can be placed on the forehead.
The Wajib Sujud of the Qur’an
- In four Surahs of the Qur’an there are Ayats of Sajdah that if a person reads one of these Ayats, or if he hears someone else recite one of these Ayats, once the Ayat is finished, then one must immediately go into Sajdah.
- The Surahs that contain a Ayat of Wajib Sajdah are:
• Surah 32 as-Sajdah, Ayah 15
• Surah 41 al-Fusilat, Ayah 38
• Surah 53 an-Najm, Ayah 62
• Surah 96 al-Alaq, Ayah 19
- If one forgets to perform the Sajdah, then whenever one remembers he must perform it.
- If the Ayat of Sajdah is heard over the radio, or on a tape recorder and things of this sort, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, Sajdah must be performed.
- If one hears the Ayat of Sajdah over a speaker, it is Wajib to perform the Sajdah.
- It is not Wajib to recite a Dhikr while in the Sajdah, rather it is Mustahab.